Saudia Arabia Refuses UN General Assembly Convention

 Saudia Arabia rejects the convention pact CEDAW (Convention on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women) of UN Assembly to eliminate biased behavior with women. In the news published on google with the picture of Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir, CEDAW has published by UNO but Saudia Arabia in the light of Islamic Sharia announces not to follow this pact and further adds that unfortunately some Arab countries has starting agreeing with CEDAW. For those who don't know about this pact, Adel al-Jubeir has given 11 strong evidences to reject it. CEDAW deems men and women equal but in the holy book of muslims Quran Pak it is clearly mentioned that men and women are not equal. CEDAW further states that according to "Polygamy" even woman can have more than one husband at a time but Quran allows only men to keep 4 wives at a time.



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