Rampant Population On The Verge Of Destruction
It has been said in the annual report o United Nations o the account of World Population Day that total number of planet Earth's population will be hitting 8 Billion mark in next few days. It has been calculated in he report that by 2030 these figures will each 8.5 billion, which means there would be the addition of 500 million in next 8 years. By 2050, 9.7 billion will be living in this planet and 10.4 billon by 2100. It took 12 years to reach 8 billion from 7 billion marks and it is said that next billion will be coming in 2037. In 2022, the two most populated countries of the world are located in continent Asia, with the population of 1426 million China is the most populated country of the world, while India on second with numbers of 1412 million. Unite Nations have predicted that by 2050 half of the world's population will be living in just8 countries. these includes China, India, Pakistan, Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Philippines and Tanzania. On the other hand as per the Pakistan Populist Survey, country has seen a decline in average ages of its citizens. In Populist Survey 2020 average ages of the citizens came down from 65.4 to 65. Men's average ages have risen from 64.3 to 64.5 while women's have gone on a decline from 66.6 to 65.6. Experts from all over the world are giving their opinion on population. United Nations is publishing their report every year. The situation is tat now if we add up the population of China and South Asia then more than 2.5 billion humans are just living her. Whereas on other side of the Earth 5.25 billion are present, if we see there is more pressure of population in China and South Asia. Experts have accepted this reality that rapid increase in population is the biggest obstacle in the way of development of poor countries and as a result it is getting more and more difficult for these countries of get rid of poverty but thee is another opinion that if use this population in a correct way they can achieve new heights of development in their respective countries, for example if youth is given proper education and are familiar with latest technologies than this will be the country's key of opening the doors of success.