Climate Change Effecting Globally

 When Pakistan is suffering from the most destructive flood in its history which affects more than 40 million people there. Severe situation of drought is also happening in South Chinese region. China which is the second biggest economy and military power in the world now has greatly effected by the extreme heat. Its south region is mostly affected with 11 provinces there is facing the issues of declining water level in rivers, extreme drought and delay in the production of hydroelectricity.

South China is responsible for 80% industrial production in the country. Due to heat and scarcity of water China is facing problem in Autumn crops production. A country which is independent in more than 90% of its need of wheat and rice has now forced to import these to fulfil the annual requirement. It has been said that China is going through these kind of extreme weather conditions for the first time after 1960s. Most of the public in South region are compelled to take shelter in underground railway stations and government buildings. The locals are saying due to the 50% decline of water level hydroelectric plants are being shut down by the government which has automatically reduced the electric supply in the region so we are forced to spend our whole nights awaking. 

Chinese President Shi Jinping has advised concerned authorities to give priority to the public in terms of water supply, agricultural fields should be on second because we can imports food crops that's why farmers are refused to be given any kind of help in this drought situation. China has scarcity of natural coal for a while and they are doing new digging for this purpose, and now they also started suffering from  drought and scarcity of water. In reality it is the result of Global Warming and Climate Change. Whole world is suffering from it now. 

America comes on number one in terms of spreading pollution and China on number two. China was the biggest country in sense of producing electricity from natural coal from last 30 years. They used all their coal in  providing cheap electricity in order to attract global industries and investors to work and produce there, now they're keen to find new reserves of natural coal. Same situation is with US. They keep increasing the use of fuel to produce electricity by natural oil, natural coal and hydro resources. By increasing the number of fuel running vehicles and industrial productions every year the played major role in increasing pollution. After this there is Brazil and India, both are involve in excessive usage of hazardous natural coal and oil which is seemingly increasing environmental pollution all over the globe, even Indian PM Narendra Modi clearly said that India will continue to use natural coal to fulfil its electricity requirement for the next fifty years during his visit to US and Europe. He said the same in UN General Assembly Meeting. Considering this, UN Environment Programme and all the other organizations are just a formality because they're continuously appealing for this matter but still no country listens to them even though environment protection is the basic responsibility of every country. It's true that our irresponsible behavior and selfishness is disturbing the decorum of nature. Few years ago India stopped hundreds of famous environmental NGO Green Peace volunteers to work in the country. You should know that majority of scientists and experts in the world kept warning that Earth and all the living beings here could face great danger in the near future and the it has started now. Floods on every other day, rainstorm, drought and scarcity of water etc.

Global warming has a strange two way effect on our environment, like on one side agricultural lands are getting infertile due to drought  and rivers are running out of water and on the other hand glaciers are melting continuously due to the rapid increase in Earth's temperature which is mixing with sea water and raising its level with each passing day. 

Although its time to bear the consequences but still the world can reduce the effect by implementing policies which are made on the table just to satisfy public. 


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